Siblingship Testing

Located in St. Louis, Missouri

Find & Make Sibling Connections

Siblingship is a method of determining if two offspring share one or both parents. There are several applications and scenarios in which siblings desire to establish paternity for a variety of reasons. When a claimed father or mother is not present or unavailable for a paternity test, this DNA test is used.

If the test results demonstrate that they have identical genes, they are most certainly siblings. When one or both siblings are unable to contribute DNA samples, this siblingship testing can be made more accurate by testing other family members.

Testing Without Both Parents

The most accurate findings will be obtained from tests if both parents are present. A test can still be administered without these DNA samples. AccuDNA can test several siblings at the same time to identify their familial ties. To improve accuracy, samples can be collected from additional family members and cross-referenced against one another to start building a family tree.

Siblingship tests, grandparentage tests, and avuncular tests will reveal the likelihood of a sibling connection. Paternity and maternity tests should be performed for "exclusionary" findings.

*All relationship testing will have a higher probability of accuracy if the mother submits a DNA sample.

Twin Zygosity Testing

Have you ever wondered if your twin is identical? With a fast cheek swab, AccuDNA can deliver the answer and put an end to the discussion. Typically, results are delivered within two to three business days.

Contact Us

 Call us today at 314-845-9997 if you’re curious about getting DNA testing for yourself and your siblings. Local, trustworthy ownership and management with over 15 years of experience. We have thousands of tests done with accurate and confidential service.

We offer a 10% military discount upon providing your military ID

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